The determination of the oral health condition of an individual guest achieved through the evaluation of data gathered by means of history taking, direct examination, patient conference, and such clinical aids and tests as may be necessary. Dr. Allameh will walk you through your entire treatment plan and recommendations while fully educating you by demonstrating any potential pathology with the aid of digital radiographs and an intra-oral camera.
At Ocean Hills Dentistry, after a careful assessment of your periodontal (Pertaining to the supporting and surrounding tissues of teeth), our board registered dental hygienist will be doing one of the following cleanings: Prophylaxis, which is removal of plaque, calculus and stains from the tooth structures. It is intended to control local irritational factors. Scaling, which is removal of plaque, calculus, and stain from teeth; & Root Planing which is a definitive treatment procedure designed to remove cementum (the outer surface of tooth root surface) and/or dentin (second layer of tooth under enamel) that is rough, may be permeated by calculus, or contaminated with toxins or microorganisms.
Sealant is a resinous material designed to be applied to the occlusal (chewing) surface of posterior (back) teeth to prevent occlusal caries. Proper technique and material is crucial in longevity of these preventative restorations for children and young adults which is carefully noted at Ocean Hills Dentistry.
Full mouth reconstruction and rehabilitation is sometimes required for guests that have had a severe break down of their dentition due to a history of severe grinding or clenching of their teeth or a systematic condition such as an acid reflux disorder to name a few. A precise and meticulous approach is taken in treatment planning and carrying out all of the steps of this treatment. Dr. Allameh will be sure to discuss all of the necessary steps with you as he would with all of his treatment plans. A highly trained certified dental laboratory technician will be working closely on the case with us in order to accomplish the best possible results.
Dr. Allameh believes the best restorative option for missing dentition (teeth) are dental implants. Implant is a device specially designed to be placed surgically within or on the mandibular (lower jaw) or maxillary (upper jaw) bone as a means of providing for dental replacement. Once a qualified, board certified surgeon carefully selected by Dr. Allameh treats the site(s) with implant(s), Dr. Allameh will then precisely plan the area(s) to be restored with a crown, bridge or denture. At Ocean Hills Dentistry, Dr. Allameh commits himself in selecting the best materials and laboratories in order to be able to deliver the highest quality of restorations that look as natural and vital as possible while restoring the form and function of the dentition.
The smile design/analysis process begins at the macro level, examining the guests face first, progressing to the evaluation of the individual teeth and finally moving to material selection consideration. Dr. Allameh believes this process must involve a direct involvement and communication with the guest and a well qualified and experienced certified dental laboratory.
At Ocean Hills Dentistry, Dr. Allameh selects composite to be his primary choice in restoring cavities with fillings. Composite is a dental restorative material that is mercury free and is made of resin and quartz particles. Dr. Allameh will always do his very best in matching the shade of the restoration to your existing teeth. He will use the best material and techniques in order to restore the form and function of the tooth while staying minimally invasive with his approach.
Veneer is a thin covering of the facial (front) surface of a tooth constructed of tooth colored material used to restore discolored, damaged, misshapen or misaligned teeth. At Ocean Hills Dentistry, Dr. Allameh commits himself in selecting the best materials and laboratories in order to be able to deliver the highest quality of restorations that look as natural and vital as possible while restoring the form and function of the tooth while staying minimally invasive with his approach.
Bleaching is a process of lightening of teeth by using a chemical oxidizing agent. Bleaching has been achieved through short and long term applications of pastes or solutions containing various concentrations of hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide. Normally applied externally to teeth; may be used internally for endodontically (root canal) treated teeth. With experience and utilization of many different products, Dr. Allameh has found that a gradual, systematic approach while using the most effective and comfortable materials and technique for every individual’s unique case is the key for having an effective whitening treatment result.
Crown is an artificial replacement that restores missing tooth structure by surrounding the remaining coronal (above the gum line) tooth structure, or is placed on a dental implant. It could be made of different materials and it is retained by luting cement and mechanical means. At Ocean Hills Dentistry, Dr. Allameh commits himself in selecting the best materials and laboratories in order to be able to deliver the highest quality of restorations that look as natural and vital as possible while restoring the form and function of the toothwhile staying minimally invasive with his approach.
Mouth guard is an individually molded device designed primarily to be worn for the purpose of helping prevent injury to the teeth and their surrounding tissues. These appliances are custom fabricated by a qualified laboratory in order to optimize their comfort and durability.